MinionsNFT technical value

2 min readMay 9, 2021


MinionsNFT is the NFT asset standard on the Minions blockchain, derived from the community team. MinionsNFT retains the four major metadata fields of NFT: id, name, uri, symbol, and can issue any kind and any number of NFT assets in a contract for cross-game and cross-contract NFT asset transfers in the game protocol. A new general asset agreement was developed.

When MinionsNFT is used in combination with OASIS.WORLD and OASIS.MAIN, it can realize cross-contract NFT asset transfer, that is, a certain NFT of contract A can be transferred to contract B for storage, and the entire process can be confirmed and anti-counterfeit And location tracking. This is different from the common method of asset reuse in the past (that is, calling the same contract)-in THE OASIS agreement, you can customize and deploy their own contracts as needed, customize the mapping logic, and freely choose which one to receive or transfer assets. This not only eliminates the centralization risk of the contract itself (Bugs, hacker attacks), but also adapts to the development needs of different businesses more flexibly.

